
This page describes how to configure Forseti Inventory. Forseti Inventory collects and stores information about your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources. Forseti Scanner and Enforcer use Inventory data to perform operations.

Configuring Inventory

To run Forseti, you’ll need to set up your configuration file. Please see the detailed guide to get a default installation of Forseti setup that can be used in production environment.

Please see the optional settings below to customize your inventory. View the full list of inputs here to see all of the available options and default values.

You must set composite_root_resources variable in your if you want to run Forseti on a non-organizational root, or one or more resources from GCP resource hierarchy (organizations, folders and projects) in any combination.

NOTE: The composite_root_resources configuration does not support G Suite and Explain at this time.

  • composite_root_resources
    • Description: A list of root resources that Forseti will monitor. Can contain one or more resources from the GCP Resource Hierarchy in any combination.

      The IAM policy for all resources must grant the appropriate IAM permissions to the Forseti service account before they can be included in the inventory.

      Resources can exist in multiple organizations.

    • Valid values: List of Strings. The format for each string is <resource_type>/<resource_id>.
    • Example values: organizations/5678901234, folders/12345677890 and projects/9876543210.
  • gsuite_admin_email
    • Description: G Suite administrator email address to match your Forseti installation.
    • Valid values: String.
    • Example values:

Additional configuration settings allow you to finely tune the inventory process for your organization. The default values are setup based on the default quota that all organizations get in Google Cloud Platform and to ensure the greatest breadth of resources and policies are covered by the inventory.

  • API Quota:
    • Description: The maximum calls we can make to each API per second. This should be about 10% lower than the max allowed API quota to allow space for retries.

      While most APIs will list their quota as calls per 100 seconds, the rate limiter used by Forseti will be most accurate over a 1 to 2 second time period.

      For example, to calculate the values for max_calls and period for a theoretical API that has a quota of 500 calls per 100 seconds, use the following formula:

      max_calls = 500/100 = 5 (5 calls per period)

      period = 1.0/.9 = 1.11 rounded to nearest tenth = 1.1 (10% overhead)

      The default values are based on the default quota all projects get for GCP APIs, however large organizations may request quota increases through the cloud console to reduce the time it takes to complete an inventory.

    • Max calls:
      • Description: Maximum calls we can make to the API for a given period of time. For example, maximum calls that can be made to the Admin API can be configured by setting admin_max_calls variable in your
      • Valid values: String.
      • Example values: "1", "2", "100".
    • Period:
      • Description: The period of max calls for the various APIs. It is measured in seconds. For example, the period of max calls for the Admin API can be configured by setting admin_period variable in your
      • Valid values: String.
      • Example values: "1.0", "1.2".
    • Disable Polling:
      • Description: Specifies that this API should not be called by the inventory crawler. This can be used to disable APIs with low QPS for resources that are not important or used by your organization in order to speed up the time it takes to complete an inventory snapshot. For example, you can disable polling to the Admin API by setting admin_disable_polling variable to "true" in your
      • Valid values: Boolean.
      • Example values: "true", "false".
  • inventory_retention_days
    • Description: Number of days to retain inventory data, -1 : (default) keep all previous data forever.
    • Valid values: String.
    • Example values: "-1", "5", "10".
  • Forseti uses Cloud Asset Inventory (CAI). Below are the Forseti-CAI settings that can be customized.
    • bucket_cai_lifecycle_age
      • Description: GCS CAI lifecycle age value
      • Valid values: String.
      • Example values: "14"
    • bucket_cai_location
      • Description: GCS CAI storage bucket location
      • Valid values: String.
      • Example values: "us-central1"
    • cai_api_timeout
      • Description: Timeout in seconds to wait for the exportAssets API to return success.
      • Valid values: String.
      • Example values: "3600"
    • enable_cai_bucket
      • Description: Create a GCS bucket for CAI exports
      • Valid values: String.
      • Example values: "true"

Saving changes:

  1. Save the changes to file.
  2. Run command terraform plan to see the infrastructure plan.
  3. Run command terraform apply to apply the infrastructure build.

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